IMSH 2025
IMSH 2025 was a great show for eTrainETC! We launched new features to our solution to help you build virtual microlearning faster!
Watch the eTrainETC 15-minute INACSL (International Nursing Association of Clinical Simulation and Learning) webinar summary.
For the complete on-demand eTrainETC INACSL webinar, watch here: INACSL On-Demand eTrainETC Webinar - Healthcare Experts Panel Discussion
INACSL collaborates with simulation organizations to provide relevant healthcare simulation education. Enhance your experience by watching this webinar to learn about building virtual simulations with your own content and the organizational benefits of deploying sims at no cost to your students. Use this opportunity to advance your simulation practice by understanding the benefits of microsims from healthcare provider panelists: Katherine Normand, MD, Nicolas Strasser, MD, and Bonny Joly, MSN/RN/CCRN-K, who use the eTrainETC authoring solution to create virtual training that works.